
How I stay productive working remotely

computer and workspace

Getting the domestics out of the way

Since I work from home, it is usually always tempting to skip breakfast and a shower in favor of diving right into working from bed. Although I have succumbed to skipping breakfast or shower or both a few times, I have found that my most productive days are days I start by having breakfast, having a shower and, dressing up. Doing all these sets the tone for my day.

Organize my work landscape

I have a look at my Jira board to get a general overview of the tasks assigned to me. I approach them in order of tasks' priority. Often I might recognize that some objectives or features might require further clarifications and elaborations. I note down such tasks and schedule a meeting with my PM to seek necessary clarifications. I found that I am most motivated when I can organize my tasks into tangible, well-defined goals.

We are not meant for monotonous tasks

Programming can be boring. What's not boring is achieving goals and getting a reward for yourself. Leaning on the goals I have created, I break my work times into chunks of about an hour and a half punctuated with 15 mins breaks. These 15 minutes breaks are recreational time that I utilize to reward myself for staying focus. I use these times to check Instagram, Watch some videos on YouTube, or catch up on highlights of previous matches. And then repeat. I have found that the variety of activities within the time slot helps eliminate boredom and keeps me pumped and productive.

Other things I do to stay productive and spiced up 😄

  • I check every accomplished task off a physical todo; Plain ol' note and paper.'
  • I play white noise while working to encourage concentration, I love the sound of rainfall and thunderstorms.
  • I change my VSCode Color theme frequently – another way I keep from getting bored.
Thanks for reading 🙏

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